Anxiety Therapy for Teens

three best rated

  • Is your teen irritable?
  • Does your teen have difficulty concentrating?
  • Do they have recurring fears about routine parts of life?
  • Are they self-conscious or sensitive to criticism?
  • Do they avoid difficult or new situations?
  • Do they have chronic complaints about headaches or stomachaches?
  • Do they withdrawal from social activities?
  • Have you noticed a drop in their grades or refusal to do school work?
  • Do they look for reassurance?
  • Do they have sleep problems?
  • Are they using substances such as alcohol, nicotine, vaping, or marijuana?

The NIH estimates that 1/3 of all adolescents 13-18 years old will experience an anxiety disorder.

The typical teenager needs 8-10 hours of sleep per night. If your teen is going to bed late at night, waking up late in the morning, or is sleepy during the day, anxiety may be interfering with their sleep. Many often stay up late monitoring their electronics and communicating with their peers. This is especially intersting as anxiety, can interfere with their ability to see events from others’ perspectives and thus lead to fewer interactions with friends and skipping activities with others. Anxious students also have difficulty controlling their attention. Their symptoms may mimic ADHD and may negatively impact their learning and grades. Anxiety often leads to poor self-esteem , mood swings and possible panic attacks.

While anxiety is an all too common problem in adolescents, you don’t have to let your son or daughter suffer through it in hopes that “they’ll grow out of it.” The longer they experience anxiety the higher the chance that they will turn to other behaviors or substances to try to manage it on their own.

Our counselors know how to help.

Contact us if you want to help your teen solve the issue of their anxiety. Our highly skilled and trained therapists will listen and help you understand what your teen needs and teach them the skills to identify what they are feeling, express their needs appropriately, and learn to use how they feel to better manage themselves and the world around them.

If you are ready to learn how we can help your teen, call Psych Associates at 417-414-0333 or schedule your appointment online.

Anxiety treatment can help your adolescent.